Runnin' Buc Basketball Camp Announced. See link below for info and sign-up sheet.

Good morning EC!
Tomorrow, April 7th, the East Chambers Boys Soccer team will be making their 2nd straight appearance in the 4A Region 3 Tournament. We will be taking on the El Campo Ricebirds at Legacy Stadium in Katy with kickoff at 1 PM. The game will be livestreamed on Texan Live (subscription needed). All information is listed below.
Class 4A - Region 3 - Semifinal
Friday April 7th - 1 PM
East Chambers (19-4-5) vs El Campo (18-8-1)
Legacy Stadium - Katy, TX
Tickets: https://www.vancoevents.com/BUGP
Livestream: https://www.texanlive.com/video/642b11ea50e417000150c841
Legacy Stadium Address: 5070 Franz Rd, Katy, TX 77493
East Chambers is the home team and will sit in the bleachers on the West side. Legacy Stadium has a clear bag policy, meaning only clear bags will be allowed in the stadium. No district/coaching passes will be accepted.
Hope to see everyone in Katy on Good Friday! Geaux Bucs!

2023-2024 School Calendar has been approved!

5 EC students received scholarships yesterday at the Simbrah-Simmental Superbowl XXXI that runs in conjunction with the San Antonio Livestock Show. Rebekah Gibson, Tyrus Bordelon III, Drake Phelps, Caley Matthews, and Cecelia Gibson each received a $250 scholarship.

Tomorrow night is the biggest game of the year for EC Boys Soccer! EC vs Huffman, two state-ranked teams battling for 1st place. Free drinks & noise makers for students of ALL grade levels & ages! Kickoff at 7 PM in Buc Stadium!

Be the reason for someone's heartbeat.... Give Blood!! You may schedule blood drive appointments here https://donor.lifeshare.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/239474 and forward this link to others to schedule their own appointments.

This Friday, we host the Livingston Lions in Buccaneer Stadium for our first district game of the season. They are new to the district, and look to be one of the toughest teams we will face.
To show our appreciation for all that you do for our players, we are hosting a Staff Appreciation Night! ALL staff members (including custodians, cafeteria workers, office staff, etc) will receive free admission with their school ID, and one FREE concession stand item that is $5 or less.
If you are not heading to Anahuac to support the Runnin' Bucs and Lady Bucs, please consider coming to Buccaneer Stadium and supporting your #6 state-ranked soccer team. The game will kick-off at 7 PM.
We hope to see everyone there! Geaux Bucs

The new health center, Coastal Gateway Health Center, is working to distribute the Community Needs Assessment survey out to the community. You can complete the survey here:

Due to the possibility of inclement weather at the time we normally dismiss school, ECISD will run buses early today at 1:00 P.M. Also, ACE and all after school activities are canceled for today. Thank you and be safe on the roads today.

Congratulations to Haydon Cooke! He won a KPRC 2 Senior Scholarship!

COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations will be available for the staff and students of EC on Wednesday January 25, 2023 7:30am – 9:30am at EC Elementary Library.
You will need to register through our NovelHealth link: bit.ly/chamberscovaccines and filter visit reason select COVID-19 Vaccination or Flu Vaccination (calendar will pop up as East Chambers Elementary Library then select time.
If you have had the Bivalent booster, you are current, there is NOT a 2nd Booster
You will need to use the passcode (which is case sensitive): ECBuc$2023
We encourage Pre-Registration, If unable to register online, we will have forms on site to complete registration.
Questions? Call Public Health 409-267-4535 or 409-267-2731.

January is Board Appreciation Month! Students from all campuses gave small tokens of appreciation at the board meeting. Pictured is the board of trustees, students from our Floral Design class & their teacher, Mrs. McGhee, with one of the floral arrangements given to the board.

Newly elected ECISD Board of Trustee, Everett Guillory, and incumbent ECISD Board of Trustees, Lisa Bauer and Scott Jones were sworn into office at tonight's regular school board meeting. Congratulations!

The ECISD Board of Trustees recognized Trustee Richard Lee for his 18 years of service to the district as a dedicated board member. Thank you, Mr. Lee for your service to the staff, students. and community!

Due to potential bad weather tonight, we are moving our playoff game vs Woodville to tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm at Lumberton ISD stadium. We are the home team. All ticket sales are online and there will be no tickets sold at the gate tomorrow.

The ticket link for Friday's Bi-District Playoff Football Game between East Chambers/Woodville. Game will be played in Lumberton on Friday, Nov. 11 at 7 pm. East Chambers is the home team and Woodville is the visiting team. All tickets will be sold online.
Passes being honored at the gate are: District 9-3A passes, District 10-3A passes, THSCA coaching passes, and Senior Citizen passes.

Attention Parents/Guardians - For questions regarding picture orders, please contact our local Provine photographer, Jason Hancock.
Atención padres/tutores: si tiene preguntas sobre el pedido de fotografías, comuníquese con nuestro fotógrafo local de Provine, Jason Hancock.

Attention 2021 and 2022 graduates (or parents/guardians of 21-22 graduates): You can pick up your yearbook(s) tomorrow at the high school front office between 8:30 am - 3:45 pm! Please have your receipts handy. Current EC students' books will be delivered this week and next week. See the attached flyer for more information.

Tomorrow will be picture day. Please make sure you return your order form and money if you would like to purchase pictures. All students will have their picture taken for the annual.

East Chambers ISD wants parent, student, and community comments and suggestions as part of the decision for the best use of ESSER III funds for our students. Please read and submit your response at the link below.