Presale tickets for 9/25 game vs Hardin can be purchased Wed 4:30pm-6:30pm & Thu 9:30am-11:30am at EC visitor gate.
almost 4 years ago, East Chambers ISD
Tickets for Friday's varsity football game will need to be purchased online this week.
Lumberton will honor our 10-AAA Div. 1 District passes at the gate.
Tickets may be purchased in advance at or specifically at:
Reminder this is their homecoming game, Kickoff is Friday, Sept. 18th At 7:00. Go Bucs!
almost 4 years ago, Christy Ridgaway
There are a few tickets remaining for home side seating that will be available for purchase at the High School office beginning Friday morning at 9:30 am. There will not be ANY tickets available for purchase at the gate.
almost 4 years ago, East Chambers ISD
Any parent wishing to participate in the free and reduced meal program should fill out an application online at (paper copies will be given upon request). For this school year Pre K students DO NOT receive free meals as they have in the past. So if you wish to participate in the program, this would include our remote students as well, you must complete a meal application. Breakfasts are $1.50 for all students and lunches are $2.75 for Primary and Elementary, $3.00 for Jr. High and High School. Reduced prices are .30¢ for breakfast and .40¢ for lunch.
Cualquier padre que desee participar en el programa de comidas gratuitas o reducidas debe completar una solicitud en línea en (se entregarán copias en papel a pedido). Para este año escolar, los estudiantes de Pre Kínder NO reciben comidas gratis como en el pasado. Entonces, si desea participar en el programa, esto también incluiría a nuestros estudiantes remotos, debe completar una solicitud de comida. Los desayunos cuestan $ 1.50 para todos los estudiantes y los almuerzos cuestan $ 2.75 para Primaria y Primaria, $ 3.00 para Jr. High y High School. Los precios reducidos son .30 ¢ para el desayuno y .40 ¢ para el almuerzo.
almost 4 years ago, East Chambers ISD
Congratulations to Cheerleader of the week, Mally Cook!
almost 4 years ago, East Chambers ISD
Way to go Bucs! 💚💛💚💛
almost 4 years ago, East Chambers ISD
There are two weeks left to apply for P-EBT food benefits. The application deadline has been extended to July 31. If you have already applied for P-EBT benefits, please disregard this message. Families with children who received free or reduced-price school meals through the National School Lunch Program during the 2019-20 Texas school year can apply for P-EBT. Eligible families should have received a school email or letter with the application link. It is important to put a valid phone number on the application because staff may need to call to approve the application. If you need help applying, please contact the P-EBT call center at 833-613-6220. Visit for more information. Immigration status does not matter when applying for P-EBT. The public charge rule does not apply to P-EBT benefits.
about 4 years ago, Christy Ridgaway
See attached!