Eli Ethridge

Student Spotlight: Eli Ethridge

Q: Grade?  

Q: Favorite Subject?  
A: Band

Q: Favorite Teacher?  
A: Mrs. Reddell

Q: Clubs:  
A: Theatre and Band

Q: What hobbies do you enjoy doing?  
A: I like playing football and baseball

Q: What goals do you have for yourself?  
A: To get better at baseball 

Q: What do you think is the best thing about your school?  
A: The football team

Q: Favorite Food or Restaurant:  
A: Saltgrass

Q: Favorite Book:  
A: Touchdown Kid

Q: Favorite Movie:  
A: The Benchwarmers

From Mrs. Reddell:
"Eli is absolutely one of the most respectful voung men I've ever met! He is constantly on task and willing to do anything for anyone! EC is lucky to have Eli!"