East Chambers Class of 2022 Graduation will be live streamed on the ECISD YouTube Channel - https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC9q_GLKY5UrF2HWMZrl7VoA Ceremonies start at 7:00, but the livestream will begin at 6:45. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button!
over 2 years ago, Mitchell Long
East Chambers High School One Act Play will give a public performance of The Storm in the Barn on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 6:00pm in the high school auditorium. There will be no charge for entry, but donations for the theatre department will be accepted.
almost 3 years ago, East Chambers ISD
ECHS students and coaches are headed to compete at the Regional Academic UIL meet in Brenham, TX. Good luck, Bucs!
almost 3 years ago, CARLA GARDNER
ECHS academic UIL regional qualifiers
Important Upcoming Dates for ECHS!
almost 3 years ago, CARLA GARDNER
important dates
East Chambers vs. Little River Academy Thursday Nov. 18 @ 7:30, Tomball ISD Tomball ISD Stadium Policies can be found here: https://tec.tomballisd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp... Tomball ISD will be enforcing their clear bag policy at the gate. Cash will not be accepted at the gate. Tickets must be purchased online. https://www.tomballisd.net/.../administ.../athletics/tickets Go Bucs!!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Long
Here is the link to purchase tickets for our football playoff game this coming Thursday at Lumberton vs Huntington. Kickoff is set for 7 pm and EC is the home team. All tickets will be sold online through the link below. There will be NO tickets sold at the gate that night. However, the following passes will be honored at the gate: District 10-3A, Senior Citizen passes and THSCA passes. Hope to see you all there. Geaux Bucs! https://secure.payk12.com/school/lumberton-raider-athletics/290/events/211038
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Long
Lady Bucs defeat Newton!
over 3 years ago, JUSTIN LEZAK
Congratulations to our Buccaneer Band on their 1st Division Rating! Next stop: Area!
over 3 years ago, JUSTIN LEZAK
Our JV football game vs Hardin has just been moved to Buccaneer Stadium (home) due to Hardin not being able to secure game officials from the Houston Officials Chapter for the game. Our updated game schedule for this evening is as follows: 7th grade game-5 pm kickoff (6 minute quarters) 8th grade game-approximately 6:15 kickoff (7 minute quarters) JV game-approximately 7:30 pm kickoff (8 minute quarters)
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Long
Congratulations to these guys for playing in and winning the All-Star game tonight. They represented East Chambers well! Brayden Guillory, Payton Martin, Brandon Silcox, Collin Broussard, Tristan Stewart
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Long
New graduation live stream https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QR__eAP2pHg
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Long
Graduation live stream will be at the following site starting at 7:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vu94Uf1veA Due to copyright laws, we will not be broadcasting the music.
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Long
All High School students should turn in their district Chromebooks and chargers after their last final. If no finals are scheduled and Chromebooks no longer needed, you can turn them in after last period starting Tuesday. (May 25th)
almost 4 years ago, Mitchell Long
EC Athletic & Academic Banquet Information
almost 4 years ago, CARLA GARDNER
EC Athletic Banquet - May 18 & Academic Banquet May 20
ECHS Graduation - May 28, 2021 - ECISD Stadium
almost 4 years ago, Mitchell Long
ECHS Anatomy and Physiology students visit the Body Worlds exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science!
almost 4 years ago, CARLA GARDNER
students visit the museum of natural science
students visit the museum of natural science
HS baseball game today has been moved up to 4:00 to try and beat the weather.
almost 4 years ago, Mitchell Long
Happy Assistant Principals Week to ECHS Assistant Principal, Coach Jackie Brown! Thank you for all that you do for our students and staff!
almost 4 years ago, CARLA GARDNER
Coach Brown
Congratulations to the 21-22 ECHS Cheerleaders! https://sites.google.com/site/ecisdresults/hs-cheer
almost 4 years ago, Mitchell Long
Congratulations to the 21-22 ECHS Cheerleaders! https://sites.google.com/site/ecisdresults/hs-cheer
almost 4 years ago, Mitchell Long